Canoeing & standup paddleboarding in Belgrade Lakes Maine


Maine Paddling Connection Blog

Posts tagged san francisco
fun runs on the bay

We got three nice runs in on Saturday on the latest Downwind SUP Safari with the Barbary Ghost. Good times with Marion, Craig, Jeff and I on boards and Drew at the helm. First run was a great warmup with decent glides and strong wind at our backs. Drew dropped us behind Pt. Blunt where it's super easy to enter the wind. Going from zero to twenty knot wind in 30 seconds is exciting!

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Port of Oakland Tour

After a long week in Southern California and a full day of travel on Saturday, I woke on Sunday with the intentions of a rest day. But, the sun was shining warm & bright and I figured some paddling was in order. A quick text conversation led to a 11:45 meet in Oakland for a paddle out to Yerba Buena Island. We were both late and by the time we actually launched it was after 12:30. As the tide started to flood and the wind gained strength we paddled out the Oakland estuary.

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GGSKS 2014

I measure the success of GGSKS by the amount of fun I have and I had a ton of fun this year. So I guess that makes the 2014 event very successful. At least by my standards.

GGSKS is a subset of the sea paddling community and a damn fine one. Sean Morley and I receive lots of feedback (positive and negative) and probably way too much praise. But, here's the reality. If you enjoy the event, you can't blame us.

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ACA SUP Instructors Certification Workshop

What a fun weekend on San Francisco Bay! Cindy & Steve Scherrer came down from WA to help me run an American Canoe Association Level 1/2 SUP Instructors Certification Workshop for 6 potential candidates. We had a great team of paddlers with a ton of learning going on and super support from all. In the end, we certified four new Level 1 Instructors and two new Level 2 Instructors - success!

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San Fran SUP Downwinder & Artemis Racing

Sean Morley & I got out recently for a nice downwind crossing of San Francisco Bay from Horseshoe Cove, beneath the north tower of the Golden Gate Bridge, to Berkeley. We had to get an early start in order to be back in time for other responsibilities, which meant we were a bit too early for the wind. But, no worries, the wind made an appearance halfway into the trip just as we were getting near Point Blunt.

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Paddling "the maze"

Today I was looking for mellow and that's what I got. I paddled out of Emeryville and along the normally shallow, marshy shoreline from the 80/880/580 interchange to the Oakland Bay Bridge toll booths, affectionately referred to as "the maze". Like most residents of the greater Bay Area, I've passed this cove in a vehicle hundreds of times and never once paddled it.

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Treasure Island Paddle

Yesterday morning I made the paddle from Berkeley out to Treasure Island, around it and back. The planning was perfect, as was the weather. What I was looking for, however, was the 15-25 kt wind from the west that was forecasted but never materialized. The idea was to get out to the far side of TI as the winds picked up and then ride the wind swell back home with some surfing excitement. Unbelievably, the wind was stronger at 9am when I launched than it was at noon on my return.

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