Canoeing & standup paddleboarding in Belgrade Lakes Maine


Maine Paddling Connection Blog

Posts tagged Naish
San Fran SUP Downwinder & Artemis Racing

Sean Morley & I got out recently for a nice downwind crossing of San Francisco Bay from Horseshoe Cove, beneath the north tower of the Golden Gate Bridge, to Berkeley. We had to get an early start in order to be back in time for other responsibilities, which meant we were a bit too early for the wind. But, no worries, the wind made an appearance halfway into the trip just as we were getting near Point Blunt.

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Treasure Island Paddle

Yesterday morning I made the paddle from Berkeley out to Treasure Island, around it and back. The planning was perfect, as was the weather. What I was looking for, however, was the 15-25 kt wind from the west that was forecasted but never materialized. The idea was to get out to the far side of TI as the winds picked up and then ride the wind swell back home with some surfing excitement. Unbelievably, the wind was stronger at 9am when I launched than it was at noon on my return.

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Lake Tahoe Circumnavigation - SUP

For the first time in years, I have a paddling-related blister. My arms feel heavy and my abdomen is sore but I'm in good spirits. I knocked off two of my summer paddling goals yesterday when I standup paddled 45 nautical miles in a day and completed the 56nm loop of Lake Tahoe. This was sort of a backyard expedition for me. I had 3 days completely free from any responsibility and the weather forecast was highly favorable.

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